English to nepali meaning of

"रिप्लेट" शब्दको शब्दकोशको अर्थ "पूर्ण वा प्रचुर मात्रामा भरिएको वा कुनै चीजले भरिएको, प्रायः अत्यधिक वा ओभरफ्लो हुने बिन्दुमा।" यसले पूर्णतया खाना वा पेय पदार्थले भरिएको, वा विचार वा ज्ञानले भरिएको दिमागलाई पनि सन्दर्भ गर्न सक्छ। थप रूपमा, "पूर्ण" लाई सन्तुष्टि वा सन्तुष्टिको भावनालाई वर्णन गर्न प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्छ जुन कुनै चीजको साथ पूर्ण रूपमा आपूर्ति भएको हो।


  1. instinct

Sentence Examples

  1. Not crying, not having any idea what unfolded around her, Pyrrha gazed up at her, replete with innocence.
  2. You reached these on an unnamed gravel path, from a poorly paved country road to the north, by entering beneath a red stone arch hidden in the trees, replete with Russian writing that could have said absolutely anything as far as I knew.
  3. Amid squeals of delight and lots of frantic ripping, out pops the rag doll I bought at the local arts and crafts market, the play dough I found in a shop in Arrecife, replete with a small wooden rolling pin and some pastry cutters, and a selection of picture books that were on special in the supermarket.
  4. I watch with sudden envy an elderly couple in loose clothing, replete with backpacks and walking shoes, as they head off, probably on their way to the cliff.
  5. In an effort to push away my cares, I grab a handful of toasted maize kernels and take in the room, recalling the relief I felt when my mother relinquished all notion of shipping to the island the vintage furniture, replete with a tatty Chesterfield lounge that never fitted in any room it was put.
  6. Set back behind thin-trunked palm trees, a row of restaurants, replete with deep verandas, looks sure to offer fine dining.
  7. Impossible that any situation could be more replete with comfort if we except, perhaps, Mrs.
  8. Replete at last, she went back and got a to-go carton for later.
  9. They were developing in him, and the camp-life, replete with misery as it was, was secretly endearing itself to him all the time.
  10. The ruin of an ancient dwelling disappears and appearing in its stead is a large white abode replete with extensive concrete patios.