English to nepali meaning of

"इन्स्टिंक्ट" शब्दको शब्दकोश परिभाषा हो:एक प्राकृतिक वा अन्तर्निहित योग्यता, आवेग, वा व्यवहार ढाँचा जुन एक विशेष प्रजातिको विशेषता हो र प्रायः सचेत विचार वा प्रशिक्षण बिना हुन्छ। .एक शक्तिशाली प्रेरणा वा आवेग जसले कसैको व्यवहार वा कार्यलाई निर्देशित वा निर्देशित गर्दछ, प्राय: सचेत विचार वा तर्कसंगत विचारविना बिना। कारण वा सचेत विचारमा आधारित।सामान्यतया, वृत्तिले प्राकृतिक वा स्वचालित व्यवहार वा प्रतिक्रियालाई जनाउँछ जुन व्यक्ति वा प्रजातिहरूमा गहिरो रूपमा निहित हुन्छ र अक्सर सचेत विचार वा प्रयास बिना नै हुन्छ। यसले शारीरिक र मनोवैज्ञानिक दुवै व्यवहारलाई सन्दर्भ गर्न सक्छ, जस्तै जाडोको लागि दक्षिणमा बसाइँ सर्ने चराको प्रवृत्ति वा खतराबाट भाग्ने व्यक्तिको प्रवृत्ति।


  1. inherent aptitude

Sentence Examples

  1. He had to be careful lest any preconceived notions crept in, but his first instinct was to chalk her intentions up to an attempt to keep him as in the dark as possible, at least until such time as she decided she could trust him, if ever.
  2. Brooke ran into his arms and hugged him tight on instinct.
  3. For all your resiliency, you lack basic instinct when it comes to me.
  4. They also gained the characteristics of a well-fed housecat, one which will pursue wildlife not because of hunger, but because of the natural instinct to hunt and kill.
  5. I can see the instinct to lash out building in him.
  6. Instinct tightened his grip on the leather hilt, whitening his knuckles.
  7. Instinct screamed at me to run, but it warred with an equally potent, nearly magnetic compulsion to go to him.
  8. Ignoring the instinct to get the hell away, I followed the trail of blood.
  9. Caution warred with instinct for a brief struggle, and then I ran through the door.
  10. It was like some inner instinct prevented me from telling her about my ability.