English to nepali meaning of

"जुनियर" शब्दको शब्दकोश परिभाषा हो:कुनै समूहमा, विशेष गरी परिवार वा अन्य व्यक्तिहरू भन्दा कान्छो वा कम अनुभवी व्यक्तिलाई वर्णन गर्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ। पेशा। उदाहरण: उहाँ मेरो दुई वर्षको जुनियर हुनुहुन्छ।एउटै नाम भएको परिवारमा दुई जनामध्ये कान्छोलाई संकेत गर्न प्रत्ययको रूपमा प्रयोग गरिन्छ। उदाहरण: John Smith Jr.पेशे वा संस्थामा तल्लो दर्जा वा हैसियतको व्यक्तिलाई वर्णन गर्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ। उदाहरण: उनी कानुनी फर्ममा कनिष्ठ सहयोगी हुन्।दुई वा तल्लो व्यक्ति वा एउटै नाम वा शीर्षक भएका चीजहरूको वर्णन गर्न प्रयोग गरिन्छ। उदाहरण: टेक्सासका जुनियर सिनेटर।

Sentence Examples

  1. A field of virtual corpses later and I left the training complex slightly less aggravated, though that changed when I had to sidestep a contingent of junior guards who kept glancing at me and talking in low voices.
  2. Another junior officer took notes during the interview.
  3. The barely real junior detective followed behind yanking on the handcuffs and shoving him like he was less than human.
  4. Two whole years of high school photos with just a tight-lipped, grim Mona Lisa smile, not to mention junior high.
  5. Down in South Central Los Angeles, Justin was hard at work, standing on a shadowy street corner between two buildings, waiting for the junior high down the street to let out.
  6. The last time he was in an honest-to-goodness fight was in junior high school.
  7. She stutters and hesitates at first, but then she gets going, telling us about the time that her mother drove her to her first junior high school dance.
  8. Little did she know I once had to wear a pair of purple lacy panties after losing a bet with Connor during our junior year.
  9. Nitrovex would be handed off to more junior staff.
  10. At Piccadilly Circus I discharged my cab, and walked westward beyond the Junior Constitutional I came across the house described, and was satisfied that this was the next of the lairs arranged by Dracula.