English to nepali meaning of

"हिप" को शब्दकोश परिभाषा हो:संज्ञा:एउटा चीजहरूको थुप्रो अर्कोको माथि राखिएको। अव्यवस्थित वा अव्यवस्थित थुप्रो वा चीजहरूको भार।क्रिया:को थुप्रो बनाउन। राख्नु (केही थुप्रोमा

Sentence Examples

  1. Jack removed his cloak and cast it absently on the bed from where it slithered to a heap on the floor, Richard noting its careless journey.
  2. He resisted her at first, but then he collapsed, taking them both down to the floor in a heap.
  3. She lay in a crumpled heap, a bruise swelling on her forehead.
  4. No one in House Staerleigh would suspect that the meek woman on whom they heap their disdain is a gatherer of secrets.
  5. Petrified, I watched as Jason landed next to him in a rough heap.
  6. An untidy black heap some way distant on the grassy hill could be nothing else but his brother.
  7. Somer let out an alarmed exclamation as the man before him collapsed in a heap on the carpet in his study.
  8. The axe was next to him, illuminated in the heap of blood.
  9. In the centre of the floor rubble has been piled in a heap.
  10. If Celestino headed that way then maybe he was swept off the road and had hurtled down the mountainside, and now he lay broken in a heap at the bottom.