English to hebrew meaning of

המשמעות המילונית של המילה "מוטבעת" היא שיש טבעת או סדרה של טבעות סביב משהו, או להיות מוקף או מוקף בטבעת או טבעות. זה יכול להתייחס גם למשהו שיש לו צורה עגולה או מעוגלת, הדומה לטבעת, או למשהו שסומן או מעוטר בדוגמה של טבעות או עיגולים. בנוסף, "צלצל" יכול לשמש כחלק עבר של הפועל "צלצול", שפירושו להשמיע צליל צלצול או להתקשר למישהו בטלפון.

Sentence Examples

  1. An upper balcony ringed the hall, and several archways led onward.
  2. Every footstep left a small ripple in the still pond until she reached the rocks that ringed the pool.
  3. Stairs ringed the outside, rising up to the other levels.
  4. It took only a moment for him to turn the ringed handle, lifting the latch on the inside, and slide through the opening, closing the panel behind him.
  5. Daphne ringed a bell and within a minute a candle came floating toward us, revealing a dusty lobby and an old man dressed in his nightshirt and a stocking cap.
  6. She was a pale, dark-haired woman with striking eyes, clear blue and ringed with black lashes, crowned by graceful, sloping brows.
  7. The sound of our footsteps ringed on the stone floor, bounced off the vaulted ceiling and disappeared into all the nooks and crannies.
  8. After the other cars boarded, the ferry juddered into beautiful Howe Sound, leaving a wake of parallel white lines on a canvas of deep green velvet ringed by snow-capped peaks.
  9. He studied the five closed doors that ringed the reception room.
  10. The dance floor was ringed by tables of partygoers who signed furiously, laughed, and sometimes shouted incoherently above the Robert Palmer disco music.