English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙarfafa" ita ce sanya wani abu ya fi ƙarfin ko fiye da juriya. Yana iya komawa ga ƙarfin jiki, kamar ƙarfafa tsoka, ko zuwa ƙarin ra'ayoyi, kamar ƙarfafa dangantaka ko jayayya. Hakanan yana iya nuna ƙarfafawa ko haɓaka wani abu, yana mai da shi mafi inganci ko dorewa.


  1. reinforced

Sentence Examples

  1. My muscles snapped, my senses strengthened, and I became a little taller.
  2. My father was the one who strengthened its influence in the market while that spoiled bitch enjoyed a carefree life.
  3. Frank Churchill to come among them and the hope strengthened when it was understood that he had written to his new mother on the occasion.
  4. Emma was directly sure that he knew how to make himself agreeable the conviction was strengthened by what followed.
  5. If, in addition to the point of general size and contour, he had found upon the arm a peculiar hairy appearance which he had observed upon the living Marie, his opinion might have been justly strengthened and the increase of positiveness might well have been in the ratio of the peculiarity, or unusualness, of the hairy mark.
  6. It was dropped, and I picked it up, and found in the cloth, in gold and silver coins of all sorts, more than fifty crowns, which fifty times more strengthened our joy and doubled our hope of gaining our liberty.
  7. This offer, and their sound advice strengthened my resolution, and I never gave Don Fernando a word in reply that could hold out to him any hope of success, however remote.
  8. His limp was barely noticeable as if the violence had strengthened him.
  9. Without conscious effort, his shield strengthened against the threat.
  10. He grasped my hand with a nervous empressement which alarmed me and strengthened the suspicions already entertained.