English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙarfafa" shine ƙarfafawa ko tallafawa wani abu, sau da yawa tare da ƙarin kayan aiki, ma'aikata, ko kayan aiki. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsarin samar da wani abu mai ƙarfi ko mafi ƙarfi, yawanci ta hanyar amfani da dabarun ƙarfafawa ko kayan. Ana iya amfani da kalmar “ƙarfafa” ta hanyoyi daban-daban, kamar aikin gini ko aikin injiniya, inda ake ƙara kayan aiki don haɓaka ƙarfin tsari, ko kuma a cikin ilimin halin ɗan adam, inda ake amfani da ƙarfafawa don ƙarfafa halaye masu kyau.


  1. built

Sentence Examples

  1. They did, and they powerfully reinforced the concepts we had taught in the previous JA program sessions.
  2. Bullets ricocheted off the reinforced exterior of the truck, denting the walls and chipping the paint.
  3. He would gladly have taken on Edgar himself, but the warning look Calder sent in his direction reinforced his earlier words.
  4. A BlackBerry tucked in her skirt waistband reinforced the respect that her five-foot-nine frame already commanded.
  5. The reinforced structure was the product of superior engineering and construction and had done its job well.
  6. He quickly reinforced the shield to include Seara too.
  7. Jack was leaning over the fence, a foot on the lower rail, watching as Martin and Marc swung wasters at each other, iron reinforced wooden training blades.
  8. Throughout my business career, I had seen the importance of this type of customer focus reinforced many times over, and I have always believed that the customer is right.
  9. Except, they definitely reinforced my plan not to drive in Kenya.
  10. First, I pulled out my bras that looked pretty average, but if one looked closely, they would see that the material was thick and stretchy, lined with detailed stitching that reinforced the pockets sewn into it.