English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "stealthily" shine "cikin taka tsantsan da yaudara, don kada a gani ko a ji." Karin magana ce da ake amfani da ita wajen bayyana wani aiki ko halayya da ake yi ta hanyar asirce, taka tsantsan, ko furuci, sau da yawa da niyyar gujewa ganowa ko sanarwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Matthaios crept stealthily through the tombs with Sara at his heels.
  2. The other policeman, horrified and distracted by the hellish noises from the cave and concerned for the Jesuit, hurries over, stealthily followed by you.
  3. For a second he hesitated, then he squared his shoulders, gripped the golf club a little firmer, and moved stealthily towards the darkened bedroom.
  4. Chalder voxes moved stealthily as living shadows, but we were quieter.
  5. Do you not see that Moor, who silently and stealthily, with his finger on his lip, approaches Melisendra from behind?
  6. Calder crept stealthily down the narrow, stone stairs, allowing the large dog to follow behind.
  7. I crouched low in the underbrush and moved as stealthily as a mountain lion.
  8. Ignoring the notion he might be hunting me, I stealthily made my way.
  9. Glint and Ami stealthily walked into the circle, wooden swords at the ready, looking left and right.
  10. She crept stealthily down the staircase toward the front door.