English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "mai girma" tana da ma'anoni da dama, gami da: mama girma a girma tabbatacciyar girma, digiri, ko inganci cike da motsin raibambanta ta fitattun iyawa ko nasarorimai sha’awa ko mai himmaA matsayin sifa, ana iya amfani da “mai girma” wajen kwatanta wani abu. ko wani mai ban sha'awa, mai mahimmanci, ko kuma mai kyau ta wata hanya. A matsayin suna, “mai girma” na iya nufin mutum mai muhimmanci ko matsayi mai girma, ko kuma ga ɗimbin jama’a waɗanda suka ƙunshi al’umma ko ƙabila.

Sentence Examples

  1. But because of our great new airport, we fly everything fresh in from the Gulf.
  2. A great dragon clung to the far wall, asleep, for now.
  3. One day there was this great big tarantula in my room.
  4. Either he was a great actor or something else was going on behind the scenes in this mystery.
  5. I spent the rest of the day driving around Braxton and reminiscing about all the great times I had in the past with college friends and family, including when Francesca and Emma came home with me on a few trips.
  6. Personally, I thought Earth people did a great job compensating for the lack of magic in their own world.
  7. Right now the only person making a lick of sense is a Texan with great hair who sees the gay dead.
  8. The dragon flew through the sky, landing on the outskirts of the forest and bowing its great head.
  9. My former master told me this boy was of great importance.
  10. The demons flowed against them in a seething stream, their current too strong, their lust to kill and feed too great.

TV Series Examples



It's a great crime to lie to a king.



There's great honor serving



A man of great honor



l have great admiration for the Night's Watch.



All the great knights



Becca. With the great big tits