English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tabo" ita ce:fi'ili: ɓangaren tabo na baya; mai alama ko launin launi tare da tabo ko ɗigon launi ko wani abu dabam. alama ta kasancewar tabo ko canza launi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The travellers crossed, beyond Milligaum, the fatal country so often stained with blood by the sectaries of the goddess Kali.
  2. All the passengers had got out of the train, the wheels of which were stained with blood.
  3. The Spanish colonial building has been beautifully restored whenever I come here I always admire the decorative panelling of the windows, carved out of ancient wood and stained a dark brown.
  4. Tear-smudged mascara stained her cheeks, and her lips pressed into a firm line, as if she was stifling more cries.
  5. The wine-colored leather had darkened with age, the edges of it stained and frayed from much contact with fingers.
  6. It was stained a dark crimson and held several deep nicks in its wooden surface as if it had been hit repeatedly.
  7. Patches of color stained her cheeks, and she shook her head.
  8. His fist was sore but had clotted, the blood had stained his arm.
  9. He must not have any fingernails left, because the wall was stained red.
  10. Water pooling on the floor beneath has stained the boards.