English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "shampoo" suna ne da ke nufin wani shiri na ruwa ko kirim da ake amfani da shi don tsaftace gashi da gashin kai. Hakanan ana iya amfani dashi azaman fi'ili ma'ana wanke ko tsaftace gashi ko fatar kai da shamfu.

Sentence Examples

  1. He smells like expensive shampoo and a hard day at the office.
  2. Residents lining the streets chanted his name as the procession marched into each neighborhood, and representatives of shampoo companies began waylaying him along each daily route, offering him print ads and commercials highlighting their products.
  3. I quickly shampoo my hair, feeling better despite the anchor attached to my heart, and step out of the tub.
  4. It almost seemed to him that he spent more time each day with Helen and those shampoo guys than he did with the man who had chosen him as First Knight.
  5. I packed up my shampoo and conditioner, wrapped up my dirty clothes in my still-damp towel, put on my robe, and made the short walk back to my room.
  6. There I was, helpless with a head full of shampoo suds, when a gallowglass invaded my bathroom.
  7. Shampoo was handed around and fresh towels were divvied out.
  8. The familiar rosy essence of her shampoo is gentle, yet the scent takes wild punches at my gut, and I find it hard to contain my longing to indulge in those soft, supple lips.
  9. Somewhere between my shampoo and the breathtaking orgasm, I came to the unconscious realization that I want to have sex with this man, that I want him to be my first.
  10. I start the water and gather my shampoo and conditioner when I spot a piece of clothing on the floor.