English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ruhaniya" ita ce:dangantaka da ko shafar ruhin mutum ko ruhin mutum sabanin abubuwa na zahiri ko na zahiri. ko imani na addini kuma yana da ƙwaƙƙwaran imani ga wani iko mafi girma ko ƙarfin allahntakawanda ya shafi ruhin ko ainihin wani abu maimakon sifarsa ko kamanninsa. halin da wani mai ladabi ko daukakar tunani ko motsin rai.


  1. negro spiritual

Sentence Examples

  1. As far as I knew, no one actually went anywhere in a spiritual sense.
  2. Why did the great spiritual masters choose parables to communicate?
  3. People believe angelite assists its owners with spiritual communication.
  4. Did men provide the food and women, as Shamans, the spiritual connection?
  5. It is situated in the bay of Yeddo, and at but a short distance from that second capital of the Japanese Empire, and the residence of the Tycoon, the civil Emperor, before the Mikado, the spiritual Emperor, absorbed his office in his own.
  6. I promise no theoretical physics skills are needed, because what I went seeking was a Special Theory of Spiritual Relativity.
  7. could it be that simple, the reason for much of the discomfort was because we strayed too far from our spiritual home and the link, once strong, had grown weak?
  8. They are pleading with us to reminisce, to remember the old days, when words became language when language became song and our hearts touched the spiritual center that is the home of us all.
  9. No doubt they saw the same benefits as Muslims and inevitably when cultures and spiritual worlds collide, there are casualties and change.
  10. I had read his book, The Hidden Messages in Water, and felt the pain lying within those distorted water crystals appearing like an abused child, plus learned more in the documentary on physics and the spiritual world, What the Bleep Do We Know.