English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "maciji" doguwar dabba ce marar kafa mai rarrafe tare da silinda jiki da ma'auni, na ma'anar macizai ko Ophidia. Haka nan kalmar tana iya nuni ga mayaudari ko mayaudari, ko wani abu mai tsayi mai jujjuyawa, kamar hanya ko kogi.


  1. ophidian
  2. serpent

Sentence Examples

  1. As the six armed snake lunged she conjured a ball of electricity that scorched its scales and sent it sprawling.
  2. The crystal sphere flared bright red, the snake lashing from side to side.
  3. A pitiful snake bit into his oesophagus, the stinging nettles of a thorn bush wrapped around his body.
  4. In the glowing, milky depths was a wriggling crimson snake with fluorescent green eyes and a forked tongue.
  5. Cera screamed as she sent energy blast after energy blast at the writhing snake until it was no more than a sticky mess.
  6. A snake latched onto his leg and the fire station came into view.
  7. He raged at himself for not exterminating that snake before he bit.
  8. Finally realizing his folly, Char loosened his hold and let Hawke snake free and suck down some much appreciated air.
  9. One was an especially large snake head wrapped around his thumb joint.
  10. A long serpent demon slithered, its lower body a snake but its upper bearing four arms and six wolf heads.