English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "na bakwai" ita ce:tabbatacciyar lamba bakwai a jere; yana zuwa bayan na shida da gabanin ta takwas. a juzu'i daidai da 1/7. Kiɗa: tazara tazarar digiri na diatonic tsakanin filaye biyu, sautin bakwai na ma'aunin diatonic.Misali jumla: Ta kare a matsayi na bakwai a gasar.

Sentence Examples

  1. One of them, a chubby seventh grader named Darius, knew Justin and was a regular customer.
  2. I used to bring him in, in the seventh or eighth inning whenever Striker tired out or gave up too many hits.
  3. I saw them talking during the seventh inning stretch.
  4. 13pm on the seventh of June in a small and sparsely furnished apartment in Queens, New York City.
  5. By the seventh flogging, my body began to shake, betraying my wishes again.
  6. Everyone was fascinated by the Seventh Sisters, it seemed, even Kila himself.
  7. It was the top of the seventh inning, and the game was tied.
  8. It should be somewhere in the seventh section, I think.
  9. For as he lay in bed on the night of the seventh day of his government, sated, not with bread and wine, but with delivering judgments and giving opinions and making laws and proclamations, just as sleep, in spite of hunger, was beginning to close his eyelids, he heard such a noise of bell-ringing and shouting that one would have fancied the whole island was going to the bottom.
  10. The Braxton Bears led the game four to three when the seventh inning stretch started.