English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "fuskoki" tana da fanai ko fuskoki da yawa, yawanci a cikin siffa ta geometric. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu mai sarƙaƙƙiya ko mai fuskoki dabam-dabam, tare da bangarori daban-daban ko kusurwoyi daban-daban. A cikin mahallin duwatsu masu daraja, “fuska” na nufin dutsen da aka sare shi da filaye da yawa ko filaye don ƙara haske da walƙiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. I touched the necklace gently, feeling the edges of the leaves and the smooth, cool surfaces of the faceted stones.
  2. Stunning silver chandeliers with faceted crystal drops twinkled with hundreds of pure, white tapers, casting a warm, burnishing glow over the room.
  3. The two naturally faceted crystals created the tip, their flat halves pressed against each other so it looked like one stone.
  4. Still dressed in ceremonial gowns of white and silver, with faceted blue gems, Kallan stared across her room and out her window, to the north and Gunir.
  5. Winding streets of white led deep into the earth, faceted with towering parapets and balustrades that extended into the clouds.
  6. It was made up of pieces that were shaped into twists, resembling leaves and at the mouth of each curved leaf sat a vibrant purple, faceted amethyst.