English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "koma baya" ita ce koma-baya ko duba ci gaba, rashin nasara na ɗan lokaci ko na dindindin, cikas ko cikas, ko asarar ci gaba ko nasara. Hakanan yana iya nufin koma bayan jiki ko koma baya, kamar koma baya a gini ko koma baya a fagen yaƙi. Gabaɗaya, koma baya shine duk wani lamari ko yanayi da ke kawo cikas ko jinkirta ci gaba ko nasara a wani aiki na musamman.


  1. black eye
  2. blow
  3. reversal
  4. reverse

Sentence Examples

  1. The approval vote he received after the question bolstered his confidence from the recent setback.
  2. Wonders whether his brother or any of their friends would observe that trifling setback.
  3. The encounter with Draegust was just a setback she could still find something to surprise Darkwing with.
  4. But I promise you, I will recover from this little setback.
  5. They had finally, impossibly, caught a break, only to encounter another setback.
  6. It betrayed, if nothing else, a person who construed the slightest setback as yet another blow of relentless fate.
  7. I worked in a structured environment where I arranged meetings with clients, scheduled every project, and set up Plan B in the event of a setback.
  8. However, as her business grew, a tragedy near her home in the Mukuru slums generated a serious but temporary setback.