English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin fi’ili, “reverse” na nufin komawa baya ko juyowa ta yadda bangaren ko alkibla ke fuskantar gaba. A matsayin suna, "reverse" yana nufin akasin abu ko akasin wani abu. Ga wasu ma'anar ƙamus na "reverse": (2) canza alkibla ko fuskantar wani abu; (3) soke ko soke hukunci, doka, ko hukunci; (4) sa wani abu ya tafi ta gabas ta tsakiya. (2) kayan aikin da ke watsa motsi a gaba; (3) gefen baya ko bayan wani abu; (4) rashin nasara ko koma baya a wasa ko gasa.

Sentence Examples

  1. He put the car in reverse and left me alone in the parking lot.
  2. She somehow followed the energy through to the pool and tried to reverse the flow.
  3. But here he was, twelve years later, still alone, still acting as if he were waiting for time to reverse itself, to bring back that young love for another chance.
  4. Upon turning it over, I saw my own sketch upon the reverse, just as I had made it.
  5. When she went after me again, I landed a punch to her face and as she stumbled backwards, I reverse kicked, catching her chin with my boot.
  6. Fix was not without his fears lest chance should direct the steps of the unfortunate servant, whom he had so badly treated, in this direction in which case an explanation the reverse of satisfactory to the detective must have ensued.
  7. Any reverse at that point would be impossible, prevented by the press of men behind them.
  8. I observe the street with a suspicious eye, noting the vehicles parked here and there, white rental cars mostly, and a black sedan reverse parking further up.
  9. The neat text continued to fill the reverse, at the bottom was the signature.
  10. Catherine had the seat and sat over him the reverse seating arrangements might have intimidated the girl further.