English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "scratchy" wani abu ne da ke haifar da rashin jin daɗi ko ban sha'awa ga fata, musamman idan an taɓa ko shafa shi da sauƙi. Hakanan yana iya nufin wani abu da ke samar da sauti mai tsauri ko mara daɗi, kamar rikodin ko murya. Bugu da ƙari, "scratchy" na iya bayyana wani abu da aka yi gaggawar aikatawa ko ingantacce, sau da yawa yana nuna rashin inganci ko kulawa ga daki-daki.


  1. grating
  2. rasping
  3. raspy
  4. rough
  5. gravelly

Sentence Examples

  1. Taking a sip helped soothed the ache and rid her of the scratchy dryness in her throat.
  2. The ragged clothes were a far cry from the elegant threads he wore now, but his skin remembered the scratchy fabric and the heavy weight of the cape that was his symbol of power.
  3. The scratchy brown towel only made her face redder.
  4. He could feel the roughness of the rock being slightly scratchy against his bare back.
  5. He lifted his head to look at her, his face devastated by anguish, his eyes red and raw, his nose running, his cheeks scratchy with stubble.
  6. And instead of the clothes I preferred, I had scrounged up a pair of cheap khakis and a scratchy polo shirt.
  7. I ran my hand over the scratchy grass, its roughness tickling my palm.
  8. Scratchy ferns brushed against my face as I strained for a better look.
  9. Scratchy grasses poked through my t-shirt, and I wriggled around to get comfortable.
  10. All he heard was cicadas and a scratchy phono at least two cottages away.