English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "m" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita, amma ga wasu ma'anoni gama gari: santsi ko matakin. Masu tsauri ko mara daɗi a cikin sauti, sautin murya, ko kamanni.Rashin tsaftacewa ko goge; unrefined or danye. Alamun wahala ko wahala; ba mai sauƙi ko jin daɗi ba. Tashin hankali ko tashin hankali, kamar a cikin m yanayi ko teku.Ba daidai ba ko daidai; kusan ko kimanta. Tending to treat to others in a m or un kindly way; rashin tausasawa ko tausayi. A cikin wasan golf, wani yanki na kwas ɗin da aka bar ciyawa fiye da sauran wurare, yana sa ya fi wahala a yi wasa daga. 'yan misalan ne kawai na ma'anoni da yawa masu yiwuwa na "m." Yawanci ana iya fahimtar ma'anar da ake nufi daga mahallin da aka yi amfani da kalmar.

Sentence Examples

  1. Without further ado, she sketches a rough route, with an X to mark the spot.
  2. Between us we launch into partial explanations and a narrative quickly grows in the place of the truth, a car accident, a misplaced note, and a rough week in Tenesar with a dog on the prowl take up the centre of it all.
  3. Running one hand over the rough bricks, I edged my way towards the girl.
  4. I had to lean a hand against a large stone in the wall, rough to the touch, to remove each of my sandals in turn, shaking them free of gravel.
  5. I consider walking off the road but the going is too rough, even on two good legs, Besides, it would make little difference.
  6. Then Brower rough handled me and practically threw me in this cell.
  7. The music changed completely, and a rough and tumbling Celtic song started up.
  8. My cheeks brushed against the rough stubble on his cheek as he lifted me off my feet in an even tighter hold.
  9. He wondered for a moment why it struck no one as odd that a lady such as her should have such rough hands, but then he realized that it must be a common trait in House Staerleigh.
  10. At last, she found herself ghosting along a row of modest rough stone houses.