English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "shara" tana nufin ƙananan guntu ko guntu na wani abu da ya rage bayan an yi amfani da sauran, cinye, ko zubar da shi. Hakanan ana iya komawa ga ragowar abinci, musamman abincin da ba a ci ba kuma ana nufin zubar da shi. Har ila yau, ana iya amfani da “scraps” wajen bayyana ragowar wani abu da ya lalace ko ya lalace, kamar guntun takarda daga wani littafi da ya yayyage ko tarkacen karfen ginin da aka rushe.


  1. food waste
  2. refuse
  3. garbage

Sentence Examples

  1. The meat scraps are being collected in a bucket against the back wall of the tent.
  2. A blonde woman nearly his height was placing scraps of fabric in a plastic jar.
  3. Picking up a few scraps of parchment that had fluttered to the floor, he pinned them to the walls.
  4. On the floor are old scraps of timber, a roll of chicken wire, two saw horses, and an array of power tools.
  5. Just as he was beginning to tire, he found himself viewing the forest floor from only inches above as he scurried from bush to bush, looking for seeds and scraps.
  6. There was a carpenter who could craft incredible things from the most useless looking scraps, a young man with a dozen pets who could communicate with animals, and even a woman who told fortunes for fun but could move objects with the power of her mind alone.
  7. The attacker became the victim, and we took all he had save the tiniest scraps to hold him over a couple days before dumping the poor fool back on his boat and casting off again.
  8. But near the customs house there were no such establishments the scene was still, broken only by the occasional bark and angry growl of dogs foraging for the last few scraps that had been ground under foot during the daylight.
  9. He was still fumbling when her brow knit and she stepped forward, giving closer scrutiny to the dated scraps of paper.
  10. He noticed with distaste the grime ground into the walls of three storey dwellings, gates hanging askew and rotting food scraps strewn carelessly into the alley.