English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sharar" ita ce: kayan sharar gida ko abubuwan da ba'a so ko marasa amfani waɗanda aka jefar, yawanci sun ƙunshi tarkacen dafa abinci, marufi da aka jefar, da sauran sharar gida ko masana'antu.

Sentence Examples

  1. I tossed the note in the garbage next to my desk and crawled beneath the covers.
  2. No one would be giving her a scholarship to anything unless it was to a trade school to learn how to sweep up garbage.
  3. Yeah, air hockey one of those home versions of the game and, if I was seeing right in the dim moonlight, champion Jesse Douty signed, now just garbage in a recycling center.
  4. A garbage can crashed off the tall grill, clattering away, trash covering the sidewalk.
  5. Their hands were untied just outside the door, and then Lance and Jack were tossed into the room like bags of garbage, the door slamming shut behind them.
  6. I chugged down beer number two and tossed the empty into a garbage can.
  7. When the bell rang, I dumped my trash into the garbage can and tossed the tray on the pile to be cleaned.
  8. It was wrong, but at the time, I was just hung up on all that head cheerleader, quarterback garbage.
  9. Since they did not want to pollute the environment where they lived and trained, nor, Arthur reminded them, did they want to make the city at large even dirtier, a group of boys always collected all of the garbage into large leaf bags and tied them off.
  10. A few scattered papers cluttered the desk, the garbage pail had recently been emptied, and what looked like a grade book sat on the corner table near a reading lamp.