English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ruffled" ita ce tada hankali ko tada santsi ko tsaftar wani abu, yawanci ta haifar da ƙumburi ko wrinkles. Hakanan yana iya nufin sanya wani ya ji haushi ko bacin rai. Bugu da ƙari, "ruffled" na iya kwatanta wani abu na tufafi ko masana'anta wanda ke da gefuna ko labule ko saman.


  1. frilled
  2. frilly

Sentence Examples

  1. Most women in the Inner Circle would simply treat him with cool disdain if he ruffled their feathers.
  2. Tarkyn sent a message of thanks to the bird, who ruffled his feathers nonchalantly and concentrated on devouring his catch.
  3. Above him, the owl ruffled his feathers and settled down.
  4. Waterstone smiled gently at her and ruffled her hair.
  5. Both stood perfectly still save for the gentlest of breezes that ruffled their clothing.
  6. Then the owl scratched under his wing with his beak, and ruffled his feathers.
  7. Tarkyn ruffled her hair as Waterstone carried her past him.
  8. Its passage was marked by ruffled feathers, grunts of discomfort from a passing badger, and starts of fright from various, completely innocent night creatures in the woods.
  9. Her feathers ruffled, her head bowed, and he watched, entranced, as the swan shifted its form into that of a woman with generous curves and perfect skin as white as the bird.
  10. He ruffled my hair, fingers pausing on the streak of white.