English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin fi’ili, ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “buga” ita ce: Don buga akai-akai ko da karfi, sau da yawa da dunƙulewaDon haɗawa ko motsa ( sinadaran ko wani abu) sosai Don kadawa ko busa tare da sauti ko motsi mai ruɗiA matsayin suna, "beats" na iya komawa zuwa: Ƙaƙwalwar bugun jini ko motsi, musamman a cikin kiɗaTsarin damuwa ko lafazi a cikin waƙar Hanya ta yau da kullun ko sanyawa ko yanki ga jami'in 'yan sanda, ɗan jarida, ko wani mutumRaka'a na ma'aunin lokaci, musamman a cikin kiɗa, tare da bugun jini na yau da kullun ko kari


  1. beat generation
  2. beatniks

Sentence Examples

  1. I measured it on a map it just beats All Saints at Driffield, though not by much.
  2. He shuffled a few steps, red dust billowing up at his feet, his cane tapping the ground in front of him in measured beats.
  3. His heart beats once every five minutes or something crazy like that.
  4. He held his breath for several long beats but refused to allow himself to relax when nothing more happened.
  5. Four beats in, the ladies opened their mouths, inhaled silently, and began.
  6. Paranoia kicks in, all my senses alert, and my heart beats that much faster.
  7. Before I could say as much I heard hoof beats rattling across the rooftops, followed by an all too close howl.
  8. My heart missed several beats at the thought of Jason, who was really a Guardian, lying buried in the hard, cold earth.
  9. My blood ran cold as my heart skipped a couple of beats.
  10. As he crossed the yard he could hear the horse approaching on the other side, the sound of the hoof beats told him the horse had not slowed from a canter when it had started to cross the wooden bridge leading to the closed manor gates.

TV Series Examples



The little hero always beats