English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rot" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallinta, amma ga kaɗan ma'anar ma'anar: li>(noun) decay or decomposition, especially of organic matter( verb) to become weak or corruption, morally or mentally( noun) nonsense or foolish talk. /li> (fi'ili) to undergo gradual decline or deterioration(noun) cuta ta dankali da ke sa su yi laushi da launin fata.


  1. bunk
  2. bunkum
  3. guff
  4. buncombe
  5. hogwash

Sentence Examples

  1. They kept coming in threes and fours, lurching out of doorways or from around blind corners in the darkness, with their crazed faces a contorted smear of snarling teeth and maggoty rot.
  2. With one final blow, he would bring down the system that had left him to rot.
  3. The Tower is crumbling as the magic fades, and those who survive just sit there doing nothing, waiting for us all to rot away.
  4. Curious, she peered through the brush and leaf litter, and stared at a sow left to rot on the forest floor.
  5. No matter how many times Carol doused the place with Lysol, the air was infused with the sweet tang of rot.
  6. If the trader did not buy, then the bananas would not be sold and would ultimately rot.
  7. The remainder was blackened and crumbled, with deep rot finishing what the lightning had started.
  8. The houses were all built of sawed lumber, but every part of them that could peel off, fall off, break, or rot away had.
  9. Of where life had once flourished, and now but rot remained.
  10. The stench of death and rot filled the vast chapel.

TV Series Examples



My father knew and he left me to rot