English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "bunk" tana da ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin. Ga ma’anoni guda biyu da aka fi amfani da su: Suna: Bunk yana nufin ƙunƙunciyar gado, sau da yawa na wucin gadi ko na wucin gadi, yawanci ana samunsa a cikin ƙuƙumma ko wuraren zama kamar ɗakin kwana, barikin soja. , ko jiragen kasa. Suna / Verb: Hakanan ana iya amfani da bunk don siffanta wani abu na ƙarya, ƙari, ko marar tushe a zahiri. A matsayin suna, yana nufin maganar banza, wauta, ko ƙaranci da'awa. A matsayin fi’ili, yana nufin shiga halin ruɗi ko ɓaddi, ko gabatar da bayanan ƙarya. fi’ili a wasu mahallin, amma ma’anar da aka ambata a sama an fi fahimtar su.


  1. berth
  2. built in bed

Sentence Examples

  1. We have food supplies and bunk beds in the basement, in case of hurricanes and earthquakes.
  2. The nameless man had been taken back to his own bunk.
  3. He set foot out across the hall in the direction of the stable block and the bunk house on the end that Jack shared with the rest of the men.
  4. Harry was blushing and pulled himself back onto his bottom bunk.
  5. Ahmad closed his eyes and lay his dark curly hair and blistering neck back on the bunk.
  6. Meg sat down on her bunk and pulled out the notebook again.
  7. Ahmad Hashim rolled his face over the side of his bunk and vomited more of the viscous green and red fluid into a rusty metal bucket.
  8. She grabbed her bag and sat on the bunk parallel to Harry.
  9. Meg reached for the flask of water on the other bunk and passed it to Harry.
  10. Took larboard watch eight bells last night was relieved by Abramoff, but did not go to bunk.