English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "berth" wuri ne na kwana ko wurin da za a tuƙa jirgi. A matsayin suna, yana iya nufin gado ko wurin kwana akan jirgin ƙasa, jirgi, ko wani nau'in sufuri. A matsayin fi’ili, yana iya nufin kawo jirgi zuwa wurin tudu ko wurin da ke tashi, ko don amintaccen wurin kwana ko hutawa. Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi a alamance don ma'anar matsayi ko matsayi, kamar a cikin "Ya sami damar shiga cikin ƙungiyar zartarwar kamfanin."

Sentence Examples

  1. I approach, giving the couple a wide berth, not wanting to startle Kathy.
  2. He strode past their rabbit cages in distaste, giving them a wide berth and continued on his way to the barn, overcome as he went with a chill.
  3. I rubbed it, squinting, and gave the seat a wide berth.
  4. The closer we drew, the more it seemed the blockade was bearing down on us until even the early afternoon sun disappeared prematurely behind its berth.
  5. It had been pushed mostly onto the shoulder flares surrounded it, letting passing motorists know to give the spot a wide berth.
  6. The dead had given him a wide berth since he was bitten.
  7. She climbed down and followed him, leaving a wide berth around the yapping dog.
  8. Everon gave a wide berth to the flaming gas ball expanding and contracting in the middle of Lexington.
  9. Mittron knew full well how wide a berth the others gave her charge.
  10. People gave her a wide berth now, wary of coming anywhere near the sickly woman.