English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "block road" shine shinge na zahiri ko cikas da aka sanya a kan hanya ko wata hanya don tsayawa ko hana wucewar motoci ko mutane. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga cikas ko cikas na alama wanda ke hana ci gaba ko motsi zuwa ga manufa ko manufa.


  1. barricade

Sentence Examples

  1. As the roadblock shrank into the distance behind us, the reality of our situation settled in.
  2. Three more men passed through the roadblock, two dropping quickly to the ground, the third bending to pick up the offered metal.
  3. They may be looking for a couple like us, or it may be a routine roadblock.
  4. Perhaps Uriel could lead the crowd through the roadblock without bloodshed, but the soldiers were sure to notice that no ordinary man was at their head.
  5. Further ahead there were a column of about five cars, stopped on the downside of the roadblock.
  6. Another group of pilgrims reached the roadblock, swelling the number of Israelites observing the scene to more than sixty men.
  7. The chairman then reminded everyone of a larger roadblock.
  8. Easy as it was to pass through the roadblock, would Shimon still refuse?
  9. Was the roadblock intended to weed out the most devout?