English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "barricade" suna ne da ke nufin shinge, yawanci na wucin gadi, wanda ake amfani da shi don toshe wani wuri ko hana isa ga wani yanki na musamman. A matsayin fi’ili, “barricade” na nufin kafa shinge ko cikas don hana wucewa ko isa ga wani wuri.

Sentence Examples

  1. After removing his homemade door barricade, he peered into the hallway, making sure no surprises awaited him.
  2. The custom barricade felt solid as he pulled at the door.
  3. Simultaneously, five rags were lit by five different hands, and then five flaming arrows shot forth from the trees toward the police barricade.
  4. This apparatus will require some little explanation, and your Excellencies will please to bear in mind that my object, in the first place, was to surround myself and cat entirely with a barricade against the highly rarefied atmosphere in which I was existing, with the intention of introducing within this barricade, by means of my condenser, a quantity of this same atmosphere sufficiently condensed for the purposes of respiration.
  5. With the door shut behind me, I re-arrange my barricade which is looking too much like a hidey hole, pulling away a couple of chairs and a crate.
  6. I gaze into the void of starlight and listen to the ocean but fatigue soon sets in again and I retreat behind my barricade.
  7. Lance maneuvered around this barricade as he had the first, but he lost control when one of the tires slammed against a missing section of the sidewalk, jerking the wheel in his hands.
  8. He took a step forward, stopping when the rest of her contingency formed up in front of him as a barricade, with two of them remaining behind to watch over me.
  9. With her back to the forest, a barricade of swords blocked her passage to the only thing that seemed to keep her there.