English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “saka” tana iya samun ma’anoni ƙamus da yawa, gami da: Don matsar da wani abu zuwa wani takamaiman wuri ko matsayi. Don sanya wani abu a wata jiha ta musamman. ko sharadi. Don bayyana wani abu cikin kalmomi, rubuce-rubuce, ko kuma wata hanyar sadarwa. Don saka hannun jari ko kashe kuɗi a cikin wani abu. Don gabatar da wani batu na shari'a a gaban kotu ko wata hukuma don a duba shi. li>(a cikin wasanni) Don isar da ko jefa ƙwallon ko wani abu.Waɗannan su ne wasu ma'anoni da aka fi sani da kalmar "sa", amma ana iya samun wasu ma'anoni dangane da haka. mahallin da aka yi amfani da kalmar.


  1. assign

Sentence Examples

  1. The sheriff plans to investigate those angles and put an end to this entire affair.
  2. Castle was clearly more qualified to be running the department, but Abby had been put in the role before Dr.
  3. Just to put the final check mark on his alibi, I asked if he knew any good mattress stores, claiming I was in the market to find a new one.
  4. I suspected where he was going with the conversation but wanted him to ask me directly, before I put my foot in my mouth.
  5. I need to protect the evidence and paper trails in the case, so we can clearly put our criminal behind bars.
  6. Jordan also put himself on the suspect list by stating he was alone after eight fifteen unless his aunt could prove part of his alibi.
  7. Was Dean Terry trying to make it look like Striker was cheating or changing his grades, so he would get put on probation?
  8. Exactly what I needed, another reason to put myself in the line of fire with the sheriff.
  9. Cecilia was unhappy when I instructed her to put Emma on a plane to Braxton.
  10. Sometimes she ignored me, other times she put pressure on me to spend more time with her and tell her all about the new technology and perks the athletic facility had received.

TV Series Examples



Give me an hour and l can put



when he put his hand on my leg



A Lannister put his spear



Put away your blade.



l'll put it there myself, you fool!



They don't put that part in the songs.