English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "saba" shine don ware, zayyana, ko ba da wani aiki, alhaki, ko aiki ga wani. Hakanan yana iya nufin dangana takamaiman inganci ko siffa ga wani abu ko wani, ko don canja wurin mallaka ko haƙƙin mallaka ga wani. Bugu da ƙari, "assign" na iya komawa ga aikin saita ko tantance ƙima ko lamba ga wani abu, kamar sanya maki ga aikin ɗalibi.

Sentence Examples

  1. While others tried to assign meaning to the tragedy by looking through the prism of traditional western thought, Dell rejected such thinking altogether.
  2. Thus it is evident that we can assign no period, with any thing like accuracy, at which the corpse shall rise through decomposition.
  3. Damnation, why had he not thought to assign a different handler to Aramael?
  4. Zed did his best to settle their nerves, brief them and assign them roles, teaming them up with the more experienced guys.
  5. If you have not made a selection on your own, the Committee will assign a selection to you.
  6. Your job is to travel through the many realms on missions we assign you.
  7. The move, unbecoming a senior officer, communicated little else than the desire to assign blame elsewhere, or better yet, nowhere.
  8. Assign her to be the project manager for the business center.