English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tsari" shine tsarin tsara tsare-tsare don wani abu, gami da saita maƙasudi, gano albarkatu da dabaru, da ƙirƙirar lokacin aiki. Ya ƙunshi tunani gaba, tsara ayyuka, da daidaita albarkatu don cimma takamaiman manufa ko saita manufa. Ana iya yin tsari a matakin mutum, kamar tsara balaguron balaguro ko tsara kasafin kuɗi, ko fiye da girman girma, kamar tsara dabarun kasuwanci ko aikin ci gaban al'umma. Manufar tsarawa ita ce ƙara damar yin nasara ta hanyar gano abubuwan da za su iya kawo cikas tare da samar da dabarun shawo kan su.

Sentence Examples

  1. When we were planning this trip, the mayor specifically said we needed to keep you all away from both her and that discussion.
  2. I am planning to question her myself, and then we will decide the next step.
  3. He stopped long enough to tell me he was planning on writing a book about the school, and he wanted to follow my progress over the next two years.
  4. I was planning on rectifying that now I had the full use of my hands again.
  5. I was planning to check their archives in the morning.
  6. Brief Synopsis for Linked, book two in the Guardian series Leading a double life as an Amethyst and a Dentelle is difficult, loving two men is tragic, but for Lexi Adams, planning her own death is totally insane.
  7. He took out the bundle of letters, which he had been planning to deliver himself, but something made him change his mind.
  8. Alan would not be planning to replace Richard with Jack, Alan would have designs on the role of leader for himself.
  9. Were they anticipating planning a wedding once the funeral was done?
  10. I put it there last week planning to visit Pedro to discuss a strategy for dealing with the situation.