English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "Tunko" na iya samun ma'anoni da dama dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu ma’anoni gama gari na kalmar:Noun: Tsokaci na iya nufin kamawa ko matsi da yatsu ko babban yatsa da yatsu. Misali: "Ta ba ni wani tsunkule a hannu don samun hankalina." Fi'ili (mai canzawa): Tsoka yana nufin kama ko matse wani abu sosai tsakanin yatsu ko babban yatsa. da yatsu. Misali: "Ta dunkule kuncinta don ta kara wani bawon dabi'a." Misali: "Ƙara ɗan gishiri a girke-girke." Verb (transitive): A ma'ana ta alama, tsunkule yana nufin sata ko ɗaukar wani abu ba tare da izini ba. Misali: "Wani ya tsunkule jakara yayin da bana kallo." Misali: "Sabbin takalman sun dunkule yatsuna." Misali: "'Yan sanda sun dunkule wanda ake zargin bayan sun yi wata 'yar kora." Misali: "Kocin ya yi maye gurbinsa a cikin dare na tara." Ƙayyadaddun ma'anar na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi.


  1. nip

Sentence Examples

  1. The impending pain hung over him, making his face pinch in on itself as he gathered what little willpower remained.
  2. Harry felt a pinch he assumed was from Sheila joking.
  3. I began to rub my eyes and pinch myself to see if I were awake.
  4. I fold my arms across my chest, shove my hands up the sleeves of my dress and pinch my flesh.
  5. With his other gloved hand, he dug into a leather pouch hanging from the saddle and extracted a pinch of some kind of powder, sprinkling it atop the torch.
  6. She pressed her thumb against the bottom panel until she felt a slight pinch.
  7. On his belt, next to a small pouch that contained his favorite pipe leaf, he sported a collection of blades, herbs, and medicinal leaves he found to be rather useful in a pinch.
  8. Taking a pinch of the herbs from the bag, she placed them in a tea ball Kandi provided.
  9. The pinch behind my eyes loosened a bit as the alcohol took hold.
  10. I answered that I understood both very well for although my proper employment had been to be surgeon or doctor to the ship, yet often, upon a pinch, I was forced to work like a common mariner.