English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus na Turanci na Oxford, kalmar “gap” tana da ma’anoni da dama, waɗanda suka haɗa da:Saurayi ko buɗewa a cikin wani abu da aka saba da shi, kamar bango, shinge, ko layin bishiya. kamar tazarar dukiya ko tazarar ilimi. li>Bambancin ra’ayi, akida, ko halaye tsakanin mutane ko kungiyoyi.Waɗannan kaɗan ne daga cikin ma’anar kalmar “gap,” dangane da yanayin da take ciki. ana amfani da shi.


  1. crack

Sentence Examples

  1. The horse reared, preparing to jump the gap in which the stream lay and the hind darted past her saddle.
  2. Skirts in hand, Catherine hurriedly closed the gap between them, turning slightly sideways to move away and make good her escape.
  3. She had barely been able to drag herself away, squeezing under a gap in a fence, biting down on her lip until it bled so that she could hold back the cry of pain as her burned hands had scraped over the alley dirt.
  4. The remaining spurs of wood that jutted from the sides were too narrow to use get an army across, there was no way safely to take horses over and the gap was too long to shore up with available materials.
  5. The two riders crossed the water-filled gap in the meadow with equal ease and continued hard on the trail of their quarry.
  6. A gap in the flow and I head up the road to Haría, returning to my preoccupation with Fernando.
  7. Catherine tripped on the step, but Dan, eager to close the breach, hauled her through the narrow gap and slammed it shut as Catherine fell on her knees in the courtyard.
  8. Neither had a door at the front, so I aimed for the narrow gap between them.
  9. My mind raced every time I saw a gap where I might be able to make a run for it.
  10. That had been over an hour ago, as dusk filled the gap between day and night.