English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "crack" na iya samun ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin. Ga wasu daga cikin ma’anar kalmar da aka fi sani:Sauti mai kaifi ko hayaniya, sau da yawa wani abu ya fashe ko tsagewa ba zato ba tsammani. kamar tsattsage a gefen titi ko tsagewar bango. Misali na nasara ko nasara, galibi ana amfani da su a cikin jumlar "don samun tsagewa a (wani abu)." Tsarin kalma don nau'in hodar Iblis da ake shan taba. Kalma mai ban dariya don ban dariya ko magana ko wargi.Akwai iya samun wasu ma'anar kalmar "crack" dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita.

Sentence Examples

  1. The boy went flying, over to the other side of the room, and hit the wall with a crack.
  2. I could do nothing but sink into my seat, wishing to disappear into its crack at the thought of my new queen bee.
  3. She felt the bone break instead, snapping in half at the elbow with an almighty crack.
  4. Evan peered outside and saw it was the crack of dawn.
  5. As she scrambled out of bed there was a deafening bang and the crack of wood breaking.
  6. It hit the monster with a crack that sent it rolling down the corridor.
  7. Creeping to a door, she opened it a crack and held her breath, straining her ears.
  8. All the more reason to hurry home and crack on with his new plot.
  9. She was afraid the glass walls might crack at any moment, but she was too excited by the sights before her to let the fear take hold.
  10. The tiniest crack spiderwebbed across the pavement, but the momentum had already knocked open the window.