English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "paroxysm" ba zato ba tsammani da tashin hankali na wani motsin rai ko aiki. Hakanan yana iya nufin faruwar kwatsam kuma mai tsanani na alama ko cuta, kamar paroxysm na tari ko paroxysm na zafi. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da kalmar don kwatanta harin kwatsam ko ɓarna na yanayin jiki ko na hankali.


  1. convulsion
  2. fit

Sentence Examples

  1. Even in the paroxysm of his grief he would not have dared to profane the dead, or for the first time disturb the slumber of his master.
  2. I never saw a lunatic in such a paroxysm of rage before and I hope I shall not again.
  3. Then fearing that his paroxysm might get the better of him, he clutched with one hand the branch of a tree against which he was leaning, and with the other convulsively grasped the dagger with a carved handle which was in his belt, and which, unwittingly, he drew from the scabbard from time to time.
  4. A knowledge of its faded and jaded condition made the charge appear like a paroxysm, a display of the strength that comes before a final feebleness.
  5. The attendant tells me that he was quiet until just before dawn, and that then he began to get uneasy, and at length violent, until at last he fell into a paroxysm which exhausted him so that he swooned into a sort of coma.
  6. Claudia recovered from her fainting fit, but not so Don Vicente from the paroxysm that had overtaken him, for his life had come to an end.
  7. Had the poor man been an apoplectic, he could never have recovered from his paroxysm of wrath.
  8. Maximilian Villefort rose, half-ashamed of being surprised in such a paroxysm of grief.
  9. I am seized with a terrible, perhaps mortal illness I can feel that the paroxysm is fast approaching.
  10. The attendant tells me that his screams whilst in the paroxysm were really appalling I found my hands full when I got in, attending to some of the other patients who were frightened by him.