English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "man" ruwa ne mai ɗanɗano wanda yawanci yana ƙonewa kuma baya narke cikin ruwa. Yawanci ana samun shi daga man fetur kuma ana amfani da shi azaman mai, mai mai, da kuma cikin hanyoyin masana'antu daban-daban. Man kuma na iya komawa ga duk wani abu mai maiko ko mai mai a cikin rubutu, kamar mai dafa abinci ko mahimman mai da ake amfani da shi wajen maganin kamshi. Ƙari ga haka, ana yawan amfani da kalmar “man” a misalta don yin nuni ga wani abu mai santsi, slick, ko sauƙin motsi, kamar a cikin jumlar “oil the wheels.”

Sentence Examples

  1. When I open the fridge, the level of milk and juice look about the same and there is no food to be taken, just a near empty jar of artichoke hearts, another of pimientos in oil, and a half-used bottle of passata.
  2. A lute with two broken strings vied for position with a pile of assorted bridles, candleholders, and two sooty oil lamps.
  3. Luke likes to oil his body and now my hand is slick.
  4. Somer reached down and slid it from his hold, fishing about on his desk he produced a pair of spectacles and moving an oil lamp closer he read the script on the sheet.
  5. Then a torch was brought, and the wood, heavily soaked with oil, instantly took fire.
  6. I wrinkle my nose at the smell of the petrol, oil and grease, fumes that have no doubt penetrated every atom of the place.
  7. An oil tanker had rested underneath the bridge, and now it had sunk into the sea as waves crashed against the blackened rocks of the shoreline, black with oil which leeched to the sands.
  8. Hampton, four years older than me, was a lawyer in Tulsa and married to an oil heiress who never let him go anywhere.
  9. Catherine stood alone in the middle of the room while Jack busied himself lighting an oil lamp that sat near the fireplace.