English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "matsayin maye" yanayi ne na buguwa ko ƙarƙashin tasirin kwayoyi ko wasu abubuwa masu guba. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tasirin ilimin lissafi ko na tunani na irin waɗannan abubuwa akan jiki da tunani. Bugu da ƙari, za a iya amfani da kalmar a faɗi sosai don bayyana yanayin jin daɗi ko sha'awar da ke haifar da wani abu mai daɗi ko mai ban sha'awa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Sir Francis, who was familiar with the effects of the intoxication produced by the fumes of hemp, reassured his companions on her account.
  2. She seemed, having shaken off the stupor of intoxication, to be striving to escape from her executioner.
  3. A scatter of dry roasted peanuts littered the floor beneath his bar stool, a Jackson Pollock tribute to his intoxication.
  4. Usually the intoxication that made it possible was not so obvious.
  5. Who can express the intoxication of joy with which Athos bowed before God, and thanked Him for not having seen him he sought with so much fear among the dead?
  6. The painful catastrophe he had just witnessed appeared effectually to have rent away the veil which the intoxication of the evening before had raised between himself and his memory.
  7. Under that degree of intoxication which only acted upon him by demonizing his sense of truth and right, he doubtless said and did much that was wholly irreconcilable with his better nature but, when himself, and as we knew him only, his modesty and unaffected humility, as to his own deservings, were a constant charm to his character.
  8. That fear, that terrible and petrifying fear, which he felt while he was rolling the dice, while he was worried about losing high stakes, that fear he loved and sought to always renew it, always increase it, always get it to a slightly higher level, for in this feeling alone he still felt something like happiness, something like an intoxication, something like an elevated form of life in the midst of his saturated, lukewarm, dull life.