English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "numb" ita ce hana ji ko amsawa, yawanci ta sanyi, gigita, ko maganin sa barci. Hakanan yana iya nufin sanya wani ya ji ba zai iya tunani, ji, ko mayar da martani akai-akai, yawanci sakamakon gigita ko rauni. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "numb" azaman sifa don siffanta yanayin jiki ko motsin rai wanda mutum ba ya jin ƙanƙanta ko rashin jin daɗi ko motsin rai.


  1. benumb
  2. dull
  3. blunt

Sentence Examples

  1. Evan was numb to it all, yet some part of him felt connected with the mist now circling the corridor.
  2. Numb to the horror that blinded her, Kallan slid from Astrid.
  3. My body grows numb, and I feel so drained of energy I struggle to even blink.
  4. When I stopped to get my bearings, I began to shiver, my feet numb.
  5. Liz had no illusions, and she followed the instructions in numb disbelief.
  6. By the time Luke returned, I had rolled onto my belly, letting the coldness of the concrete floor numb my skin.
  7. My mind went numb at the sight, trying to process what I was seeing, while bodies rapidly collapsed in wet heaps.
  8. Mr Andrews had that numb look, as if all the people he met were cardboard cut-outs reconstructions of an imagined tale.
  9. I fell face first onto the bed, my body feeling numb.
  10. With nothing else to do, we sat in the waiting room, numb with shock.