English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rashin hankali" ita ce sanya wani abu ƙasa da kaifi ko ɓata gefensa ko nuni. Hakanan yana iya nufin sanya wani abu ƙasa da ƙarfi ko ƙarfi, kamar tasirin jayayya ko suka. Bugu da ƙari, "mai hankali" na iya kwatanta mutum ko halinsa a matsayin madaidaiciya, gaskiya, da rashin dabara ko dabara.

Sentence Examples

  1. Such blunt methods would not only get them nowhere, they might get them killed.
  2. They ran over shredded clothes, luggage, and abandoned, blunt weapons.
  3. You thought you could search for me with such a blunt instrument and come away unscathed?
  4. His voice cut through the silence like a cold, blunt knife.
  5. With his legs jellied, Rune slid down from Astrid, and briskly walked along the land that hugged the banks of the Raumelfr, forming a blunt point before trailing up the other side of the east river and shaping the land into a peninsula.
  6. They are blunt forces that only require a pointing figure, a way to identify the targets, willing warriors, and a propaganda machine to sell the message.
  7. That was the blunt choice CC Lister had put to the one-thousand officers, seven-hundred staff and three-hundred community support officers under his command.
  8. At one point, a dirty arm broke through the threshold, but a few jabs from the blunt end of a spear quickly prodded its owner away as the doors slammed shut with a bang.
  9. If she was strong enough to survive a full blunt attack from Bergen, she could handle far more than what he had planned for her.
  10. I discovered that alcohol helped blunt the worst of it.