English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "narcotic" ita ce:Magunguna ko wani abu da ke shafar yanayi ko ɗabi'a kuma ana sayar da shi don dalilai marasa magani, musamman haramun. Magungunan da ke haifar da barci kuma yana kawar da zafi. jaraba ko dogaro. Wasu misalan narcotics na yau da kullun sun haɗa da opioids kamar morphine da heroin, da kuma benzodiazepines da barbiturates. Duk da haka, yana da mahimmanci a lura cewa ba duka masu kwantar da hankali ba ko masu raɗaɗi suna ɗaukar narcotic, kuma ana iya amfani da kalmar a wasu lokuta ta hanyar magana ko rashin fahimta.

Sentence Examples

  1. At last, however, the narcotic began to manifest its potency and she fell into a deep sleep.
  2. We were the first to understand the diabolical narcotic, the latent seduction, that can be found in the practicing of wizardry.
  3. Again the operation again the narcotic again some return of colour to the ashy cheeks, and the regular breathing of healthy sleep.
  4. That Ursala seemed to handle the allure and narcotic power of the Netherworld only reaffirmed our convictions about her.
  5. The effect on Lucy was not bad, for the faint seemed to merge subtly into the narcotic sleep.
  6. The maids were still breathing, but more restlessly, and I fancied that the narcotic was wearing off.
  7. He took it, put it between his lips, lit it, drew several puffs, and his head, becoming heavy under the influence of the narcotic, fell upon the table.
  8. Three hours later, pursued even in his dreams by a fixed idea, the poor fellow awoke, and struggled against the stupefying influence of the narcotic.
  9. From time to time one of the smokers, overcome with the narcotic, would slip under the table, whereupon the waiters, taking him by the head and feet, carried and laid him upon the bed.