English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "caveat" gargaɗi ne ko faɗakarwa game da wani abu ko yanayi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga sanarwar doka ta hukuma ko buƙatar hukuma ta hukuma ko wata hukuma don dakatarwa ko jinkirta wani mataki na musamman har sai an cika wasu sharuɗɗa ko samun ƙarin bayani. Gabaɗaya amfani, ana amfani da "caveat" sau da yawa don nuna bayanin kula ko wata matsala mai yuwuwa wacce yakamata a yi la'akari da ita kafin a ci gaba da wani tsari na musamman.

Sentence Examples

  1. Doctor Stanton warned of a long recovery, but despite his caveat Mother is optimistic and insists I go to Newport.
  2. Instead, finding his nervous whisper again, he added a caveat.
  3. Nancy got Pati the three-month deal, with the added caveat that all charges would be expunged from her record after she completed her sentence.
  4. Before you plan a celebratory dinner, there is a caveat.
  5. Texas placed a caveat into the agreement that no other state has enjoyed before or since, which is that Texas might remove itself from the Union at any time.
  6. She had enjoyed most of it, right up to the very end, and that caveat was only due to the discomfort.