English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "missive" wasiƙa ce ta asali, musamman ma dogon lokaci ko a hukumance. Sau da yawa ana amfani da ita wajen isar da wasiƙar da aka aika daga mutum ɗaya ko ƙungiya zuwa wata, yawanci da niyyar isar da muhimman bayanai ko na yau da kullun. Ana danganta masu laifin da kasuwanci ko wasiku na doka, da kuma sadarwar gwamnati ko na soja.


  1. letter

Sentence Examples

  1. He explained what had happened to his brother and asked Draco to take his missive to London.
  2. First, she had looked over every recent missive Prometheus had collected.
  3. There are also indications of a famous and wealthy family of this neighborhood wavering in loyalty to your excellency, but you will appreciate the fact that I cannot write of such a thing in a missive sent-you by courier.
  4. The Houyhnhnms indeed appear not to be so well prepared for war, a science to which they are perfect strangers, and especially against missive weapons.
  5. He had spent hours with the missive Cianne had given him, breaking the code at long last.