English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “wasiƙa” ita ce:saɗin da aka rubuta ko bugu wanda aka kai ga mutum ko ƙungiya, yawanci ana aikawa ta wasiƙa > alama ko hali wanda wani bangare ne na haruffa, da ake amfani da shi don wakiltar sauti a cikin harshen da ake magana ko ainihin ma'anar ma'ana a cikin rubuce-rubucen harshegirma ko salon nau'in nau'in nau'i da ake amfani da shi wajen bugawa A matsayin fi’ili, “zuwa harafi” na nufin yin alama ko rubuta da haruffa ko rubuta wasiƙa ko wasiƙa zuwa ga wani.

Sentence Examples

  1. I was still on the letter U when Della came downstairs.
  2. The landline is perched at the end beside a silver-plated letter holder.
  3. When they found a heavily sealed letter on his person they had dragged him back to Assingham.
  4. Richard quickly stowed the sealed letter inside his doublet, pressing himself up from the desk as the knock came again, this time slightly louder and even more rapidly made.
  5. That was what they had told her at least, the letter pushed silently through her door the only notice she was given.
  6. The desk top is empty save for his computer and, open atop his keyboard, the letter acknowledging receipt of his application to secure a commission of indigenous artworks for La Mareta, a stately home soon to be opened to the public.
  7. The letter is a harbinger of hope, our future salvation locked into its print.
  8. A messenger from her father, she thought, but then, no, it was only recently that they had received a letter from that quarter.
  9. With the letter in my hand, I sit down on the bed, my search of the house complete.
  10. Something green fell into my lap as I pulled out the letter.