English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "taswira" tana nufin tsarin ƙirƙirar taswira ko wakilcin gani na yanki ko wani abu. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa tsarin sanya takamaiman lamba ko alama ga wani ɓangaren bayanai, ko aikin haɗa wani sashe na dabi'u ko abubuwa tare da wani. Gabaɗaya, taswirar taswira ita ce hanyar samar da wakilcin gani ko ra'ayi na wani abu, sau da yawa da nufin sauƙaƙa fahimta ko tantancewa.


  1. chromosome mapping

Sentence Examples

  1. So the next several hours were spent mentally mapping as much of the tunnel system as far as my brain could take it.
  2. Once I drank some water and ate the last piece of jerky, I restarted my mapping of the tunnel.
  3. The heavy gray eyebrows, broad forehead, and deep wrinkles mapping his weathered face signaled nothing but calm.
  4. A core of intrepid adventurers slowly made their way from Ring to Ring, mapping their destinations with almost religious fervour.
  5. I left without buying anything, and checked my mapping app, set it to estimate how long it would take to walk back to the Grecian for my meeting.
  6. Veridian crossed the room to study some monitors mapping the topography of the area.
  7. They chalked it up to bad mapping, but I kept my eye on it.