English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “hanta” tana da ‘yan ma’anoni daban-daban, dangane da mahallin. Ga mafi yawan ma'anar ƙamus: Hanta tana taka muhimmiyar rawa a cikin metabolism, tace gubobi daga jini, samar da bile, da kuma adana glycogen. yanayi, musamman ta fuskar iya rayuwa ko jurewa. Misali, "Shi hanta ce mai tauri, yana iya sarrafa komai." Misali, "cutar hanta" ko "gwajin aikin hanta." Ana yawan cin hanta a matsayin tushen furotin da bitamin.

Sentence Examples

  1. Aiming for the right side of its lower back, Lance stabbed at its liver.
  2. While she cut up and fried the heart and liver, she studied her hands and arms.
  3. A solid blow to the liver was one of the most debilitating strikes you could land.
  4. Apparently, a huge part of any Dark Angel celebration involved barrels and barrels of demon rum, a beverage guaranteed to cause unconsciousness, liver failure, and blindness in humans, and that was only in the lucky ones.
  5. Connected with a liver shot that would have dropped King Kong.
  6. It worked out for my mental health, if not necessarily for my liver.
  7. Liver spots on his head resembled the islands of Acquava.
  8. Since then, his skin had sagged and was now marred with stretch marks and liver spots.
  9. If my liver holds out I might make it to twenty-seven.
  10. She walked down to meet them and took the pan holding the heart and liver from Mourning.