English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "admission" shine aikin ba da izinin shiga ko shiga wani wuri, taron, ko rukuni. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsarin ikirari ko yarda da wani abu, kamar laifi ko kuskure. A yanayi na yau da kullun, yana iya nufin karɓuwa zuwa makaranta, koleji, ko jami'a a matsayin ɗalibi.

Sentence Examples

  1. He was thin and dressed in a hospital gown with five hospital admission bracelets.
  2. Allan, secured admission to the United States Military Academy at West Point.
  3. In other words, his admission of guilt had been forced out of him under duress.
  4. Jackson looks terrified, and that expression on his face is worth the price of admission.
  5. And if your misfortune should prove to be one of those that refuse admission to any sort of consolation, it was my purpose to join you in lamenting and mourning over it, so far as I could for it is still some comfort in misfortune to find one who can feel for it.
  6. In the face of her admission that she was in love with him, it struck him as a betrayal not to have told her the truth about his own feelings.
  7. After some delay, occasioned by a fruitless attempt to procure admission in the usual manner, the gateway was broken in with a crowbar, and eight or ten of the neighbors entered accompanied by two gendarmes.
  8. The way in which he got admission to this exclusive club was simple enough.
  9. It was an honest admission, the edge of anger that would have tinged those words until so recently though was absent.
  10. The inspector, a dark-haired swarthy character with a sizeable mole on his right cheek, by his own admission had been in contact with the York police.