English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "leverage" ita ce: Ƙarfin ƙarfi ta hanyar lever ko wani abu da ake amfani da shi don yin irin wannan ƙarfin. mataki na amfani da lever ko makamancinsa don samun fa'ida ta injiniya. > Tsare-tsare na kuɗi inda ƙananan kuɗi ke sarrafa adadi mai girma, yawanci ta amfani da kuɗin aro ko bashi. daidaito.

Sentence Examples

  1. Carefully rolling back over so she could leverage herself into a kneeling position, Khaly again listened intently.
  2. Resting his left arm on a handrail for leverage, Dryden gradually raised his right hand above his drooping head.
  3. This provided him with leverage, should she do anything that might compromise his position.
  4. Elizabeth held the book above her head, slipping and falling on her bum, giving her enough leverage to avoid the hit.
  5. I used its bulky arms for leverage and pulled myself onto its back.
  6. Wendy was excited because she would not only again leverage her youth program experiences, but also apply her interests in women, entrepreneurship, and education as well as her marketing communications and fund-raising skills.
  7. He chose the right points for leverage and, with just a few paths back and forth, pivoted the tree off the road.
  8. I threw my gumshoes against the lowest crossbar for leverage.
  9. He would have insisted on sticking his knee in my back for leverage while he cinched up the straight jacket himself.
  10. Our ultimate triumph in this venture shall give us the final leverage we need to go before thine elected officials, and the people of this city, and lay out our demands for the future.