English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “lodge” na iya nufin ƙaramin gida ko matsuguni, galibi yana cikin ƙauye ko yanki mai nisa. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa wani yanki ko reshe na al'umma ko ƙungiya, kamar masaukin Masonic.A matsayin fi'ili, "lodge" na iya nufin zama ko zama na ɗan lokaci a wani wuri, kamar masauki ko gida. Hakanan yana iya nufin zama makale ko kwana a wani matsayi ko wuri, kamar yadda a cikin "kashin kifi ya kwanta a makogwarona." Bugu da ƙari, yana iya komawa ga aikin samar da masauki ko gidaje ga wani ko wani abu, kamar yadda a cikin "otal ɗin zai ba da baƙi zuwa dare."


  1. hostel
  2. hostelry
  3. inn
  4. auberge

Sentence Examples

  1. During the day the space buzzed with officers chattering about cases, citizens stopping in to lodge formal complaints, and the occasional ruckus caused by criminals.
  2. Perhaps this was because it was constructed as a summer retreat or hunting lodge, without great pretensions.
  3. He would find somewhere for her to lodge and try to contact her family, as he had promised he would.
  4. Our lodge was perched on a small hill very close to the river.
  5. Immediately, when we entered the clubhouse, I felt as if I was in an Elks Lodge or an American Legion Hall in a rural United States community.
  6. The victim was hiking on the Look About Lodge trail on Friday night, and she fell into a crevice.
  7. During the night Camp Walbach was passed on the left Lodge Pole Creek ran parallel with the road, marking the boundary between the territories of Wyoming and Colorado.
  8. He pulled his knife free and spun around, looking for the other creature in time to see Cass lodge her axe in its chest.
  9. The lodge ran boat trips up the Nile to just below the falls, and on this day the trip was so popular that a small boat was being used in addition to the large launch.
  10. Sitting here listening to this fine gentleman drone on about the establishment of Eureka Springs is failing to lodge anything within my brain.