English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "lease" yarjejeniya ce ta kwangila tsakanin mai haya (mai dukiya) da mai haya (an haya ko mai haya) wanda ke ba wa mai haya damar yin amfani da kadarorin na wani takamaiman lokaci don musanyawa biyan kudin haya. Yarjejeniyar hayar yawanci ta ƙunshi sharuɗɗa da sharuɗɗa kamar tsawon lokacin haya, adadin hayar, da kuma nauyin da ya rataya a wuyan bangarorin biyu yayin lokacin hayar.

Sentence Examples

  1. Bro had moved out and was staying with his old lady, and since the lease on the apartment for the next six-months was in my name I thought I ought to hold on to the job.
  2. He had reserved the house and half the garden, and building a wall between the garden and the workshops, had let them upon lease with the pavilions at the bottom of the garden.
  3. I am here in my office at Mission Cinnamon currently with just over one more year of lease from Deerland.
  4. My eldest uncle, John, had left me an estate in land near Epping of about thirty pounds a year, and I had a long lease of the Black Bull in Fetter Lane, which yielded me as much more so that I was not in any danger of leaving my family upon the parish.
  5. The lease was drawn up for three, six, or nine years by the new tenant, who, according to the rule of the proprietor, paid six months in advance.