English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "na zahiri" ita ce:Ma'anar mahimmancin yanayi ko tsarin mulki na abu; na asali; m. Wani abu da ke cikin jiki wani bangare ne na zahiri kuma wanda ba zai iya rabuwa da shi ba, maimakon ya fito daga waje ko a kara shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. And how much was intrinsic, brain or body betrayal?
  2. He knew an intrinsic part of himself yearned to be a part of this ever since he could remember.
  3. The blend of woodsy spices told me there was a warmer aspect to this man than the strategic thinking intrinsic to his profession.
  4. Intrinsic motivation always trumps incentives in my mind.
  5. He understood now, at some deeper, intrinsic, hard-wired level, why Noa joked in the face of danger and despair.
  6. And he measured ten double handfuls of pearls, diamonds, and other gems, many of which, mounted by the most famous workmen, were valuable beyond their intrinsic worth.
  7. I smiled at the memory of those family occasions that had formed an intrinsic part of my upbringing.